Tuesday 8 November 2016

Langholm Harrier update 08/11/2016

Rowan (shot)

Cumbria Police have issued a statement in light of the post mortem on Rowan (male Hen Harrier tagged summer 2016) confirming that he was shot and asking for information.


Tarras (missing)

We have concerns for ‘Tarras’  a young female Hen Harrier tagged by Stephen Murphy (Natural England) at Langholm this summer.
The transmitter on the juvenile Hen Harrier Tarras has not transmitted since the 23rd of October.  The area has been searched and nothing was found and no hen harriers were seen in the area.
The last known fix area is on land owned by United Utilities in the north Peak District.
Tarras flew south from Scotland in the last weeks of September, arriving in the Nottingham area on the 11th October. She then headed north through Staffordshire and was roosting in the Peak district, near to the Last Known Fix area on the 13 October.
Tarras’ transmission period (duty cycle), was regular until the 23/10, on the 23rd it ran a complete transmission period (e.g. no sudden cessation of data within the 10 hr transmission period). The local weather in the days immediately after the 23rd were damp and overcast so this can delay the recharge time. However, by the 26th concerns were raised. We have some evidence that suggest this may be a tag failure and are currently trying to gather more information to help us resolve this.

Any further news will be posted here.

Sorrel, Grainne and Hattie

Sorrel is alive and signalling from her favoured spot in the Lowther hills . Grainne and Hattie (Adult females tagged in 2013) are safe and well on Langholm Moor as usual.


  1. This is so sad. First Rowan and then Tarras decide to go to North West England. It is likely that the same fate befell them both considering that the transmitter on Tarras has ceased to transmit. If there is to be no appeal from the police, could the satellite data be released?

  2. Alex, the situation is incredibly frustrating. The data we receive regarding the Langholm tagged harrier movements comes via Stephen Murphy at Natural England. If we get any more information we will post it here.
